There are three main types of distracted driving: visual, manual, and cognitive. Texting involves all three as it requires drivers to take their eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and mind off driving. Studies show texting deteriorates reaction time more than driving drunk. Despite this, 81% of drivers still text while driving due to multitasking, addiction to their phones, and being oblivious to the dangers. Fines for distracted driving are increasingly common but have not significantly reduced the statistics as many drivers are not afraid of getting caught.
2. There are 3 main types of distracted driving…Source: US Department of Transportation, Statistics and Facts about DrivingVisual – taking your eyes off the roadManual– taking your hands off the wheelCognitive – taking your mind off what you’re doingimage: ClipArt
3. image: Andrea Narita - FlickrTexting is the most alarming because it involves all 3types of distraction.Source: US Department of Transportation, Statistics and Facts about Driving
4. In 2009, 20% of crashes in the United States were reported cases of distracted driving.Source: US National Highway Traffic Safety Administrationimage: alexbartok - Flickr
5. image: Siebuhr - FlickrOf those killedin distracted-driving-related crashes, 18% or995involved reports of a cell phone as the distraction. Source: US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
6. Drivers who use hand-held devices are 4x as likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves.Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safetyimage: RiaPereira - Flickr
7. So……Why does 81% of the population keep texting while driving? Source: – Texting while driving statisticsimage: Magda.indigo - Flickr
10. image: vnduan - FlickrOBLIVIOUSPeople don’t realize how dangerous it is for themselves&others.
11. image: Hypno Istanbul - FlickrStudies show that texting deteriorates reaction time more then getting behind the wheel drunk…Texting showed a 35% deterioration in reaction time and 91% decrease in steering ability……while driving drunk only showed a 12% deterioration in reaction time.Source: CBC News
12. So…If you wouldn’t get behind the wheel drunk……Then why would you get behind the wheel and text?image: bimma - Flickr
14. FINESAre fines really the positive solution to change the statistics around texting&driving?Image: Amsterd@m - Filckr
15. image: WestPeak Photography - FlickrIn 2011, 1500people have been fined $167 for distracted driving in Vancouver.Source: The Globe and Male – Does Texting While Driving make sense to you?
16. In 2010, almost 17,000 drivers were charged $155 in Toronto.Source: The Globe and Male – Does Texting While Driving make sense to you?image: ijustine - Flickr
17. Image: DanielY - FlickrEven the App campaigns to stop texting while driving in this digital age aren’t helping.Source: The Globe and Male – Does Texting While Driving make sense to you?